The Texas Sage is in bloom again. These plants are incredible. They are pretty plain bushes most of the time and then you wake up one morning and - bam - they are covered in gorgeous purple flowers. I'm told they bloom after a good rain or there has been high humidity for a certain amount of days. I tell ya, I've never seen flowers quite as vibrant as the flowers that bloom in the desert.

Owen loves the purple flowers. They are pretty and smell good but, more importantly, they attract bees.

There is a slight buzzing in the air right after the flowers bloom as hundreds of bees busily collect pollen. They seem to be nice little guys given Owen tries to "pet" them and he has yet to be stung.
Eddy, like most little people, was hugely drawn to bees. He did get stung by trying to help a stuck bee out of a flower. He wasn't happy about it either...I mean he was just helping the little bugger.
The flower pics are great.
Ha ha- Dad, that's the story I thought of too. Like father, like son.
Enjoy all the lavendar smells- it's also great to dry. Just hang the bundles of it upside down till it dries so it will not dry droopy.
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