This morning, Owen wakes up to find he has a sweaty head and therefore, a sweaty pillow....
"Mama - my pillow wet. My head is raining!"
I need to start writing these down. These are the memories that cannot be photographed and I do not want to forget.
Dad / HG
Carrie, you are right, you have to record this stuff. One of Ed's great ones was that he didn't pass gas, but did smell something warm. Thanks for the smile. Love, Dad / HG
Today, Claire, Amanda and I went shopping for new curtains and Claire had to use the bathroom, so Amanda was quickly taking her to the bathroom at the front of the store. There was a couple walking slowly in front of her and she said " beep beep I have to go Poop" the man, just laughed and stepped aside. Little kids are awesome!
This blog is a snapshot into the life of Team Wilhelme: Ed, Carrie, Owen, Wyatt, and the Dog. We originally started this blog over a decade ago in preparation for the arrival of our first son, Owen. We wanted friends, family and well-wishers from afar to be able to drop in and see how we're doing. We have come to cherish the many small moments we captured while Owen was little, so we decided to start the blog up again as Wyatt develops as a member of Team Wilhelme. Welcome and enjoy.
Carrie, you are right, you have to record this stuff.
One of Ed's great ones was that he didn't pass gas, but did smell something warm.
Thanks for the smile.
Love, Dad / HG
One of my favorite one of Eddie's,was,he hit me back 1st!! Love G.U.D
aahhh...out of the mouths of babes!Love you Ownee!! Auntie Trina
Today, Claire, Amanda and I went shopping for new curtains and Claire had to use the bathroom, so Amanda was quickly taking her to the bathroom at the front of the store. There was a couple walking slowly in front of her and she said " beep beep I have to go Poop" the man, just laughed and stepped aside. Little kids are awesome!
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