Talking boy talk under the shade of a tree. Cars... bugs... stuff...
Nothing is more hilarious to a toddler then pretending to fall over. Not sure the tour guide for the farm appreciated talking over boys giggling madly but I know I much prefer to listen to children laugh over a lecture about pruning trees.
I'm with you, Carrie. I would MUCH rather hear children laughing than . . . well . . . just about anything! Cute pictures of the boys under the tree, and look at that grin on Owen' face. I'll be grinning all day just thinking about it. :0)
Have a great Sunday you guys. Love, Mom/Grandma Bug
Hey, what a great day! It looks like a good time was had by everyone. I love Owen playing that he's falling over. It looks like fun little boy stuff! Cool.
Love, Trina
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