Sunday, March 15, 2020

Aunt Georgia

My aunt Georgia came into town for a couple of weeks. Her trip corresponded with my mom starting to watch Wyatt during the week which meant that Georgia was able to help.

I have so many wonderful memories of time spent with my aunt Georgia. My brother and I would stay with her in Montana over summer breaks, and she would always spoil us rotten. Once Ed and Owen came into the picture, she started to spoil them too. Generous and thoughtful are two of her strongest character traits. 

Without fail, Georgia has sent the kids a card and small gift for every holiday. In between holidays, she writes letters to let them know she's thinking of them. The first card Wyatt received was from Georgia. 

I'm so happy she got to spend time with Wyatt and get to know is developing personality.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It’s so precious that she was here to meet Wyatt and see your new family together! I have always felt so fortunate to know her, she is truly kind and generous, you are lucky to have her ❤️❤️ Robyn