Owen's daycare provider Dawn had all the parents over for dinner the other night. She is hiring an assistant and wanted us to all meet her. We had a blast. It was nice to meet the other parents and get to know Dawn and her family better. One couple suggested we switch off babysitting for each other. They do not have family around either so dates nights for them are also few and far between. We love the idea.
I'm also pumped because we just found out a farmers market will be starting down the street from us. We are officially within biking distance of two farmers markets. That makes me very happy. Ed bought me a beach cruiser to replace Pumpkin, my last cruiser, that got stolen. Now all I need is a basket and a baby carrier and I'm set.
Anyway, here are some photos of us having dinner together. (Exciting, right?) Owen wanted to be a big boy and eat corn-on-the-cob like the adults. He did a dang good job too.
What is that on his head, you ask?
Mustard of course. Dinner isn't complete without mustard and tonight he decided to put his plate of mustard on his head. Adorable.
It may be possible that yellow mustard is the baby answer to old people and blue hair. Keep an eye on his driving habits and he will be just fine.
We are so glad to see you guys are back on the blog. You have no idea how many conversations begin here with, "is there anything new on the blog" or "did the kids post today?"
We were beginning to hear tabloid rumors involving alien abductions, binge eating in front of open refrigerators, and illegal betting on baby racing.
We will be watching closely to see if rather than the terrible twos, Owen becomes "Mean Mr Mustard"
Love HG...Dad
If Owen has a sister, don't name her Pam, it would only encourage him in regard to the Mean Mr. Mustard thing.
Boring?No your post's are the complete oppisite!!!They are full of life,and a true pleasure to read.From the bottom and top of my heart,I thank the 3 of you for them....Uncle Dave
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