Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Peas Go Over Moderately Well

We started Owen on peas last night. It took him a second to warm up to them, but in the end he seemed to be in good spirits.

First couple of bites, not so hot.

He shows a resounding willingness to keep an open mind (and mouth).

By the end we're having a good time. In fact, we decided to play a little game after we were done.

Hey Owen, do an impression of your favorite Baldwin brother.

Stephen Baldwin, really Owen? I guess there's no accounting for taste.


Anonymous said...

What a face. You guys are having way too much fun here. Hahaha I find myself viewing your blog almost daily now, looking forward to finding the Bvu results.
Love, Dad

Amanda & Claire said...

aww this is such an adorable face. haw cute.... oo i wanted to tell you guys that i finally got new pics up of Claire and the video of her walking.

Anonymous said...

Phil looked like that when I tried to serve him peas the other day.