Saturday, October 25, 2008

Rolling Like A Pro

Owen reached a milestone a couple weeks ago - he started rolling over. He's actually turning into a rolling machine so we really have to keep our eye on him now. He likes to go back to tummy. Then he gets stuck and his little butt starts wiggling in the air as he tries to figure out what to do next. We are oh so proud so here is a little snippet for your entertainment.


Anonymous said...

Oh, now I see what you mean about his arm getting stuck! I didn't quite picture it like this . . . boy, is one picture worth a thousand words. :0)

He sure is wiggling around, isn't he?! And he's holding his head up so well, no wonder the doctor was so pleased with his progress. (me, too!!) Give Mr. Wiggle Worm a hug from Grandma Bug, okay?

Anonymous said...

MOBILITY....The end of your freedom. The chase is on!
Jen & Jason

Amanda & Claire said...
