Thursday, October 23, 2008

Six-Month Check-Up

Owen was barraged with his six-month shots today. He handled it well. It was a little sad to see the nurse take all these needles and start jabbing them into him in rapid succession. She would jab him and then pound the needle into the vinyl a la the knife into the table-top at the local dive bar. Well, she's the pro and I think she got the fourth into him before he decided it would be a prudent decision to scream like hell.

Anyway, he got a clean bill of health. The doctor is very happy with his development. He's a little over 17 lbs. and he's about 31 inches long (exactly half as tall as Carrie for those of you keeping score at home). So it sounds like we just need to start feeding this guy more people food. The doctor said sweet potatoes or ambrosia at Thanksgiving would be good. As long as we have the green light to feed this guy Thanksgiving food, I'm thinking he would enjoy a leftover turkey sandwich, I know I do.


Anonymous said...

Ahh, I see you have posted his update on your blog. I could have checked before I called, I guess. :0) He is doing so well! I love this picture, too. An interesting shot of both Eddy and Owen, don't you think.

Thanks for the new news, you have lots a' smiles up here in Washington tonight. Love to all.

Anonymous said...

That guy is so adorable! Owen is too. -Jason and Jen.

Anonymous said...

It appears Owen is quite interested in that bandaid. (of which he has several) Bandaids soothe the hurt somehow. I couldn't help but think many years back, bandaids were sooo cool that Aunt Connie had a rule: NO BLOOD, NO BANDAID!!!
(Grandmas just kiss it and make it all better)
Lotsa' kisses & hugs... GreatGrandma M