The Obama presidency ushers in an era of hope. Hope that America can move in a new direction and once again become a respected citizen of the world community. Hope that America’s troubled times can be resolved in a way which leaves the country healthier than it was when times seemed prosperous. Hope that Obama takes to heart the charge bestowed upon him, not only as the President of the United States of America, but also as a shepherd who leads this country past the mechanisms intended to divide us and towards the goal of unifying Americans as we face the challenges to come.
What a wonderful post for Owen's blog. This is truly an historic time. We have the opportunity to reflect for a moment on our lives and ideals, and those who have made them possible. We must embrace what works and is good, seperate ourselves from what is wrong and hurtful, and encourage the spirit of those who follow. "Yes we can" Love, Dad
This blog is a snapshot into the life of Team Wilhelme: Ed, Carrie, Owen, Wyatt, and the Dog. We originally started this blog over a decade ago in preparation for the arrival of our first son, Owen. We wanted friends, family and well-wishers from afar to be able to drop in and see how we're doing. We have come to cherish the many small moments we captured while Owen was little, so we decided to start the blog up again as Wyatt develops as a member of Team Wilhelme. Welcome and enjoy.
What a wonderful post for Owen's blog.
This is truly an historic time. We have the opportunity to reflect for a moment on our lives and ideals, and those who have made them possible. We must embrace what works and is good, seperate ourselves from what is wrong and hurtful, and encourage the spirit of those who follow.
"Yes we can"
Love, Dad
What a day, what a day. I have never been so proud.
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