Now that Owen is getting a little older, we can start giving him some new foods. We've done little bites of stuff here and there, but we've just come up with a new supplement that I think is going to get tossed in the rotation. Avocados are the perfect food for babies. Each half is about as much as a container of baby food, an avocado costs less than a pack of baby food and it comes in its own no mess container.

We're lovin' it and Owen seems to be pretty on board with the idea himself.

Plus, you can add a little lemon juice for fun.
cightfneOh, you two are cruel!! Poor guy. Love, Katrina
Yet another of life’s lessons. Give a man a fish and feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and he feeds himself for life, put lemon on his avocado and he will also learn to prepare the food himself.
It is good to see he likes Avocado, one of my favorite foods. As a matter of fact, Owens Great Great Grandma Boyle absolutely loved Avocados. Honestly though, the lemon thing comes after the taste is acquired. Looks like Owen is getting a head start.
Love, Dad
I love avocados too... I buy them at Costco and eat the whole bag by myself (over a bit of time). I fill the "well" with Olive Garden Italian Dressing ...yum yum
Lemon is quite a shock to the taste buds, as evidenced by the look on Owen's face, awwww
Lots'a Love, Greatgrandma M
One of the great pleasures of being a parent is to test foods out on our kids first! Just kidding...when Nate was Owen's age, we were at the Keg having dinner. He was fussy, so rather than taking him out to the car....we gave him a lemon! I think he made the same face Owen did, but it kept him entertained while we ate our dinner. Good times! :-)
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