Up to this point, it's been Carrie who has had to have her nerves grated with all of Owen's stuff everywhere. The feeding Owen part was fine for me because there was seldom a situation that couldn't be resolved with a wet wipe. Well, we're starting to get into semi-solid foods that grind into clothes and dry. Owen is also getting more dexterous, so dodging grabby little hands is less successful. Here are some shots illustrating my point.
Spaghetti noodles and Cheerios are Owen's new thing. Spaghetti is messier.
At lease he's having a good time.
Owen decided he'd help direct traffic. This is why babies make terrible traffic cops.
1 comment:
Now now....... This was a particularly favorite stage of life for you Eddy. I believe at this point, you were convinced that all food groups had to have at a minimum, one other use. Be it decorative or functional, simply placing it in the mouth, chewing, and swallowing were just not enough. Not to mention that all foods were in need of a slap. Usually this was accomplished by waiting for the food to lie very still on a flat surface. When all measurements had been taken into consideration and carefully programmed into the assaulting appendage, the slap was implemented. Rarely did the mass of the struck object remain the same, or for that matter the near proximity of the blast.
And that dear Ed is just one of the reasons why you (and I) should remain forever thankful that you have the mother you do. You see, truth be told, you would still be picking food bits out of places best not discussed here had I been in charge of keeping you clean.
You are a much better father than I in this regard.
I'm not sure I ever got over our first shower.
Love, Dad
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