Monday, February 2, 2009

Becoming Proactive

We were all bummed about Arizona losing the Super Bowl last night. I think the most disappointing part was that they lost such a close game. Carrie and I decided instead of being one of the flock who just Monday morning quarterback, that we would become proactive. We are going to train Owen to be an asset to the team and we started yesterday.

They will be able to put him in at quarterback. He's got good form looking downfield.

They will also be able to put him in at running back. He's already protecting the ball and he has a pretty mean stiff-arm for a baby.

And what expectations would be complete without those of victory? In preparation for some monumental victories, we're training him in the fine art of the Gatorade shower.

With all these tools at their disposal, the team with the first pick of the 2030 draft should be pretty much unstoppable.


Boat Grandpa said...

We are getting our tickets now!

Anonymous said...

I was rooting for Owen's home state team, and they almost pulled it off! Owen looks so cute with his football and his moves...(hey, football guys can be cute)
XOXO Greatgrandma M

Anonymous said...

These Owen pictures with this football beanbag remind me of the big football toybox that you used to have Eddy. Aren't there photos out there somewhere with you peering out of the big football? Or are these images just in my memory? Glad to see you had a good time watching the game and hope the meatballs turned out yummy! Love you guys, Jen