Okay, there were some concerns expressed after we showed Owen looking pretty distressed that maybe he does not like sitting up. He really does. We thought we would put some photos up of him looking like it. He's coming along and can sit for pretty long periods of time without tipping over. I'd say that he's exceptionally happy to be sitting up on his own because he's a little late to the party and has been mentally ready for a change for a while.

He likes playing with stuff while sitting up.

He likes looking around while sitting up.

And he likes looking at his (apparently delicious) toes while sitting up.
Well, these sure are happier faces. :0)
You know, (after looking at these pictures six or seven times) I was noticing his toes . . . look at how straight up his big toe is in that first picture! He really must like to wiggle them around a lot. That last one was really cute, and they did look delicious, didn't they?
Love to you guys, Mom
Hey, cute pajamas, too. :0)
Onee, you've got very flexable toes. You certainly look as though you're enjoying your new view of the world. A sitting position sure gives you a grander look at things, huh? Keep up the good work!! Love, Auntie Trina
When I saw the first series of "sitting up and looking so sad" photos, I wanted to pick him up and give him lots of hugs and kisses. Seeing this series of "sitting up and looking so happy" photos made me want to pick him up and give him lots of hugs and kisses. hmmm
Love, Greatgrandma M
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