This is cool, I like drinking from this sippy cup you have given me. Although it would be a shame if I decided to turn it upside down and get water everywhere like - this!
Okay, so somebody thought of that. Congratulations, you foresaw a baby tipping a cup over. You deserve a cookie... oh, unless a baby were crazy enough to take the water in his mouth and spit it back into the cup like - this!
Now that is surprising that somebody thought of that. I'm in a little over my head here.
Lets just all have cookies and appreciate this fine product you call a sippy cup.
Every thought Owen had was good thinking! I think I'll join him in that cookie he mentioned, and we'll both have a big grin on our face.
XOXO, Greatgrandma M
Every time I think there could not be a cuter or funnier picture of Owen, you guys put something like this in and I can't stop laughing. That picture of him at the bottom is priceless. It is perfect, and the story is hilarious. It made my day.
Love to you all. Especially you with that thoothy smile. :0)
Well, Tejas was here today, and we looked at all of Owen's pictures . . . and although this one was a little while ago, we both laughed and laughed. It is so cute. How do we thank you for putting this all up, so that everyone can enjoy these moments? If everyone gives you a bone-crushing bear hug when we see you . . . well . . . guess that's all we can do. :0)
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