Here he thought I was getting his teddy bear; nope I was getting the ball to throw as hard as I could at his head. It didn't even phase him. This guy is good.
I can't even show pictures of the carnage that ensued once he got his hands on objects with which to return attacks. All I can say is he gave me this look, whimsical Eastern music started playing and I blacked out.
I read this last night. I laughed for at least 20 minutes. :0)
Got up this morning, looked at it again . . . still laughing! You both are amazing, Dad for doing this, Owen for holding his own!
Love you guys!
I am very impressed by Owen's coordination ability (per your description of him batting at those very cool balloons) And I imagine the three of you are having a lot fun while you're at it. BTW... it is so great to be able to watch Owen's 'growing up' progress via this blog!
OXOXOX's Greatgrandma M
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