My grandparents (from Montana) and my folks arrived into town on Sunday. Robyn, Jack and Arlene got here late Sunday night. Rumor has it Ida is around but she is being held captive by Ellie so we have yet to see her. We've been looking forward to having everyone out for a while now. I can't believe the week is here, but am so happy it is. It's great having family around. Owen is getting spoiled rotten and he loves it. I think his little baby head is going to explode when he realizes two more grandparents will be here shortly. (The Grandparent Detox that Owen will have to go through after everyone leaves is going to be rough.)

I love this photo of the all the boys sound asleep. I also love the fact my grandpa has Owen's favorite book "What Floats?" balanced on his belly along with his beer. Classic Cooper.

Having multiple generations together is always a special moment. Here we have four generations.

Owen thinks Jack is hilarious. They have the same sense of humor and both love cheese.
1 comment:
It looks like a great time is being had by all!! Lots of smiles. We hope Owen had a super birthday and is having a fun birthday week. Wish we could be there to celebrate everyone. Have fun!! Love, Auntie Trina, Sunee, Tejas and Uncle Shawn
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