The gang lounging in the grass waiting for the birthday boy to open his gifts.

Owen was a little trooper and had a great time opening his presents. Great Grandpa Cooper gave him a card that plays music. Owen loved it and started dancing.
He was pretty entertained playing with the wheels of his new little, red wagon from Grandma and Grandpa Wilhelme.

Little tentative at first about his cake. Take notice of the train cake at the bottom; it took me 3 hours to decorate (with the help of my mom). Dang good cakin'!

Owen finally got into the cake after a little coaxing from his dad.
Soon afterward, the birthday boy was tuckered out and feel asleep in Grandma Wilhelme's arms. A very good 1st birthday indeed. Thank you to all who came down to celebrate with us!
This was the last day of a great week(and more)of mingling by many of Owen's blended family. We had lots of fun entertaining Owen at every opportunity...of coarse he kept us entertained too!! Eddy and Carrie organized many memorable experiences. We had a great dinner and evening at Ellie and Dick's. We visited many Phoenix attractions. On three different days, at three different parks, Eddy and Carrie brought beautifully prepared food for everyone. Owen's first birthday gathering will be a precious memory for all.
I forgot to sign the above :-)
Actually it could apply to any who were there!
Greatgrandma M
I like the apron on Eddy in the cake pic. Very proactive! I also recognize the fish bag in the wagon. Fun for me to see him receive it. Thanks to Ed & Carol for risking extra baggage fees to deliver. You guys ROCK! Looks like fun was had by all! Thanks for sharing this, oh, and CONGRATS on the house!!!!!
Love to you three, Jen
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