Sunday, May 31, 2009

Five Hours At The Drive-In

This Friday Carrie and I were struck with the genius idea of taking the family to the drive-in. It was late enough for Owen to go to sleep shortly after the movie began and if he was a little whiny, nobody was too bothered. So we packed up the kid and the pillows, made some popcorn and went to see Star Trek. Owen went down before we missed too much of the plot and only stirred during the more intense of the explosions.

Every movie at the drive-in here is a double feature but you don't know what the next movie is going to be until it starts. It ended up being Angels & Demons, about the only other movie out that we had heard of, so we stuck around. We weren't going to waste a night out even if we technically had the kid. It was great fun and we kicked ourselves for not thinking of it sooner.

Owen getting comfy while we wait for the show.


Anonymous said...

Was going to call you guys today to see how the movie night worked out. This sounds great! Glad you got to see two really good movies, and it was neat to hear you made your own popcorn. That's one of the really fun things about going to the drive-in . . . and there's sooo many really fun things! :0)

Still going to call you today, tho. :0) Love ya, Mom

Dad/Happy Grandpa said...

Back to the future. Drive ins were wonderful, you could go out, but be with the family and....enjoy the best popcorn by the safeway (paper) grocery sackful. Used to have popcorn everywhere when cleaning the van.