4 Days Old

7 Weeks Old
The kid is going to be tall. Owen has Ed's looks and Uncle CJ's height. Owen had his two month doctor appointment yesterday. He is almost 12 lbs and is 25 inches long. He is in the 97th percentile for his height.
Ed and I have a bet on when he is going to surpass me in height. Ed thinks it will happen when Owen is 11. I am betting it will happen when he is 14. Come on! - I still have a good 3 feet on the kid.
Owen is really,very,adorbale.And wow, he's growing so fast! What a great idea to do a blog! You've inspired me to create a blog too-to keep in touch with distant( and close) family and friends.Can't wait to read more about the adventures of Owen. Love those cheeks! Congrats to both of you !
Tammy (and Brent) www.tammyandbrent.blogspot.com
My goodness, he is growing and growing. Well, of course . . . certainly . . . he is growing. Katrina and I have talked about this . . . and, the fact is . . . he is growing! (Did you know this!?)
Much love to ALL of you, Mom / Grandma Bug
it was great talking to you on the phone! Owen is so dang adorable. So, I was wondering is that 11 months or years, Because I am going for months!!
Love to all Great Aunt Maryann
p.s. Mikey is home!!!!!!
I particularly like that cute blue elephant in the crib with him, too. :0)
Hi guys, Karrie(one) and Steve here. we have just been enjoying your blog here with your grandmother Ida, and must comment on when Owen will be taller than both Carrie and Karrie. Having expericed this myself it is somewhere around 4th and 5th grade, lets just call it 11. As for when he will be taller than Eddy that is 16.
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