Friday, June 20, 2008

Owen Doing His Best Dr. Evil

I will blow up your city unless you give me... One Million Dollars!  Muah ha ha!


Anonymous said...

I think that's actually "One meeellion dollars." (I'm looking at my Entertainment Weekly right now, so that's how I know.) But, is this an actual quote from Owen . . . or is he actually beginning his teething???He's less than two months old (I know he's very close to two months old . . . but, in fact, he's NOT quite two months old) so it would be very early if he is teething.

But, he's done EVERYTHING very early . . .

I must tell you, I have to figure out how to "Open ID" - or - "Google/Blogger" - or - "Name/URL" - I haven't figured out exactly which one yet. But, I will. I don't want to be Anonymous any more.

Love to all, Grandma Bug

Anonymous said...

Well, I can see the "do it or else" look in his eyes; but I also see a grin behind that finger! We can't be absolutely sure what he is thinking.., but it very well could be: "take me to see my Great Grandma"!!!
Love, Great Grandma

Anonymous said...

I figured it out!