It is officially summer in Arizona. The temperature is consistently 100 degrees. This makes it a little difficult to do things with Owen during the day. Instead we have started going on nightly walks around 7:30 pm. The sun has pretty much set and the temperature is a balmy 90 degrees. We put Owen in the Baby Bjorn and walk around a neighborhood we live next to. We love this neighborhood and the people who live there have started to recognize us. Many people wave as they sit on their front porches and we have had quite a few conversations with people as we walk by their homes. It seems no one can resist a dangling baby.
The walk is followed up by bath time. Owen is finally liking bath time. After the walks we are usually a little sweaty so I think this feels good to him. Plus he is slowly starting to have fun in the bath and splashes the water.

Then we put his pajamas on and feed him while rocking in the glider. About 45 minutes later, the above picture is what we see. He is starting to sleep through the night and wakes up around 4:00 or 5:00 am. I never thought I would see so many sunrises.
After he is tucked away we pour ourselves a glass of wine and crash around 10:30. And that is the nightly ritual of Ed, Carrie and Owen. Life is tiring but pretty damn good.
I remember when you first tried the Baby Bjorn and he seemed too small. Look at him now! Good to hear you guys are enjoying the neighborhood and getting Owen outside some. I was wondering what you guys were doing tonight . . . :0)
Nice to see him sound asleep after a walk outside and warm bath. Enjoy the sunrise tomorrow, Love, Mom
Owen must be thinking: "boy, did I get great parents! ... they keep thinking up new, fun things to do all the time, & they seem to be enjoying the same stuff as I do ....... I wonder what's next"!
Love & XXOOXX's, Great Grandma M
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