Thursday, June 26, 2008

Owen's A Bad-Ass

Once you get that eyebrow thing down, everyone kind of gets out of your way.  Some people learn this early and some never do.  Owen has it and he's ready to crack skulls.  


Rebecca Shirley, LMT said...

Baby bling bling...ya, thats a pretty scarry look. :-)

That or he's saying "your kidding right? You think this is cute?, come here I got a present for you."

hee hee....go check out my blog when you get a second

hugs and loves,

Anonymous said...

Probably the meanest looking baby I've ever seen. Nice work.

Anonymous said...

It looks to me like he's thinking; Darn, my real binkie is stuck behind my back.... that one you see on my shirt is just a spoiler. Help me out, will you?
Love, Great Grandma M