Monday, June 2, 2008

Just Because He Looks So Damn Cute

No story behind this picture.  He is just cute.  


Anonymous said...

He IS so cute! He already looks so much older than when we saw him last, I can hardly believe it. His smile is just beautiful!!!!!!!!! I know guys are handsome, not beautiful, but that is one beautiful smile.

Oh, and by the way, Jack said to tell you that Owen looks just like him. :0)

Love, Mom & Jack

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more...he IS so darn cute!! Looks just like you Ed.

Anonymous said...

This is my second attempt to send a post re this adorable photo of ADORABLE Owen!! The one I sent last night "disappeared" just like the wing nut from your dad's car when you were a little guy, Eddy.
(Keeps us up to speed on Owen's accomplishments) All the practice you had of photographing your cat is paying off now :)
LOTS OF LOVE, Great Grandma Miller

Anonymous said...

Wow! Now THAT'S a cute baby!! :-)


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness!!!! what a handsome son you have! love great aunt maryann