Saturday, August 9, 2008

Instilling A Little Culture

Our friend Susan is a little artsy and a sculpture professor of hers was having a showing at Tempe's new Center for the Arts.  She rallied the troops and got some folks to show up to take a look.  Of course, we jumped on the opportunity to be around some adults, albeit for an hour. 

Owen and I are equally fascinated by the same painting.  Either he's really cultured for his age or I've got the artistic taste of a 3 month old.  I'm not sure which, but suffice it to say, the painting was purdy.

I don't know if Susan and Ashley crossed the line between fawning and gushing, but they were flirting with it.  I'm sure O-dog was pleased as pie to be the center of all the attention.  He was cool too, I got a direct quote from Josh "it's babies like this that make me think having one wouldn't be too bad."  That's about as good as it gets in this crowd.  In fact, they liked Owen so much we had to get him out of there because I thought they were going to start buying him shots.

Clockwise from left: Bryan, Josh, Hut, Ed, Susan, Carrie/Owen, Ashley.  Not a shabby group if you ask me.  In fact, these guys account for close to about half of the people we're close to in Phoenix.   

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