Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Little Things

Owen has started doing the sweetest thing.  As you feed him he slowly runs his hand up and down yours.  It is the gentlest little touch.  I find feeding him to be a relaxing time. You have no choice but to stop what you are doing and sit down for however long Owen feels he needs to drink his milk.  But sometimes as you are sitting there, your mind is still thinking of everything you need to do or replaying things from work.  Then you feel that little hand on yours and you can't help but quiet your mind and be in the moment with him quietly drinking his milk, staring into your eyes and the feel of his tiny hand touching yours.   

If you know us well, you know we are constantly thinking of the next thing we are going to do.   Moving, going back to school, new jobs - these are common challenges we like to take on.  But Baby Owen doesn't care about those things.  He only cares about what is happening to him at that exact moment.  It's nice having someone around to remind you that, though thinking of the future is important, being in the now is too. 


Anonymous said...

You are so right about "in the moment" being important. After all, a string of todays moments is tomorrow's "good old days". Enjoy each one to the fullest, it will bring you joy and smiles again as a good memory in the years to come.
Dad W

Anonymous said...

You have a wonderful ability to put your emotions into words, Eddy. Very endearing. Thank you both, Eddy and Carrie, for sharing your thoughts and feelings about Owen with all of us. We feel like we have a window to see into your hearts and to watch Owen grow and become an amazing little person.

But, how could he not? With you guys as Mom & Dad. Much love to you all.