Thursday, August 6, 2009

How Did He Get That?

That is probably the first question we get when we tell people that Owen has mono. Yes. Our 15 month old baby has mono. Didn't know babies could get it, right? Sadly they can and we have no idea how or where he got it from. We do know it makes for a very, very sad baby. He had been running a fever for a couple days but was also showing all the classic teething signs, including a large molar popping up through his gums, so we were not terribly worried.

At Dawn's suggestion we ended up taking him to the doctor and were mighty shocked when the doctor said he either had strep throat or mono along with teething. It is looking like mono. Now we are juggling work and baby which is an interesting moral dilemma that brings on feelings of guilt. Guilt for taking off work and guilt for thinking of work while taking care of a very sick child, which really should be the priority over work. Plus the guilt you feel not being able to help him more. Ed took the first part of the week off and I took off the second half and am instead working nights and this weekend. Next week Ed will work mornings and I will work evenings. Ahhh parenthood.

We're hoping this only lasts for two weeks but are mentally preparing for three. The unfortunate thing about mono is there is nothing to give Owen for it. Just rest, fluids and Tylenol. Yesterday was probably his worst day so far. He cried, refused to eat, drink or sleep and... this is how we knew it was bad....didn't want mustard. Today has been much better for him. He is still clearly sick but he doesn't have a fever and is smiling more and wanting to play. I guess the positive spin on this situation is once you get mono, you usually do not get it again. So he can kiss all the girls he wants and not have to worry about getting mono. Good for him.

Picture from a few days ago during happier (e.g. non-mono) times. Pobre Owen.


Anonymous said...

Eddy,please build a tub for the little guy.No need to boil him on the stove!But if you have some extra carrots and potatos,maybe a little garlic,onions,celery,thyme,pepper....dang I'm hungry..Uncle Dave

Anonymous said...

Everyone is pulling for you and hoping Owen is getting better quickly. Both for his sake, and for yours. Keeping fluids down him has to be hard with such a sore throat. This picture of him is darn cute, and I can picture exactly where he's sitting. :0)

You know, when you look at the picture of Carrie holding him with the bare bum . . . just look at how tall he is getting! Wow!

Love you guys, take care, Mom

Anonymous said...

get through this and you can get through anything. at least you have a jobs that allow the juggling act of a sick baby. good luck.

ps. keep him away from uncle dave!!

Love aunt maryann

Erin said...

Poor little babe! I hope he gets better very soon.