I was swinging him back and forth by his hands and he was having a fun time until I set him down and he started crying. I thought it was because we stopped, but he grabbed his wrist and didn't use his hand for the rest of the night. This was right before bedtime, so we put him down thinking time would tell how serious this is. Well, he woke up favoring the wrist again and only using his hand in a limited capacity, so we're shlupping him to the doctor again this morning. Let's hope he doesn't come home with a diagnosis of tennis elbow.
Not an actual photo of Owen with his hurt wrist, but he looks like this.
Well, very good news about the mono anyway!!!! I sure hope his wrist is okay. Good luck at the doctor's, you guys.
Please give Owen a huge hug from Grandma. I wish I could be there to help.
Love you guys, Mom
UPDATE: It was a dislocated elbow. Our Dr. popped it back into place and we were in and out in 5 minutes. She even showed us how to do it because she suspects this is going to be a reoccurring issue with the most flexible baby in the world. It made me feel better that she said that she's done it to her own kid too, and not to feel bad. Anyway, he's better now and good to go.
It's good to know for sure Owen didn't have mono! And it was more good news to hear his dislocated elbow had such a quick remedy!! As soon as he's feeling better he can slip back to his "happy guy" personality!
Love, Greatgrandma M
yeah, on the mono! but careful on the dislocating elbow trick, don't let him use it as a reason not to go to school when he gets older!! lol jk!!
love ya aunt maryann
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