We decided a Starbucks café approach would be a good use of the Ikea table & chairs we just picked up. Owen's going to be a little disappointed when he finds out it doesn't have wi-fi, but he's a baby; he'll get over it.
This is the view you get walking into his room. We're of the mindset that it looks pretty kid-friendly. Which, coincidentally, is the look we we were going for (it was a toss-up between kid-friendly and cat-fancy; I stand by our choice).
Owning a home (more specifically, a fixer- upper) is fun because it lets you be creative, and it provides an excuse for picking up new tools and new furniture, but it all adds up. We're getting to the point where we're happy with the place and it's livable. That's a really nice place to be because it lets you pace the insanity a little.
Looks GREAT guys. And Owen seems to love it too. I love it!
Miss ya
Wow! This looks great you guys!! It turned out very well, and looks like Owen really likes it. I'll bet he can hardly remember his other room now, this one is so dazzeling.
Great fun to see his room again. Love, Mom / Grandma Bug
I love the colors!! It's so fun. Good picks! Love, Trina
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