This week has been rough. Owen and I were both sick. In fact every kid at the daycare was sick this week, along with Dawn and her daughter. Two bouts of pneumonia and some ear infections. We took Owen to the doctor on Thursday and it turns out he has bronchiolitis caused by RSV along with the beginning of an ear infection. Owen is on antibiotics and doing breathing treatments using a nebulizer to help him breathe easier. Having two out of three people in the house down makes for a rough week. Long, restless nights from coughing, tons of tissues for running noses, fighting with Owen to get medicine in him.
Today was the first day since last Friday there is a glimmer of hope that things are getting better for both me and Owen. Let's hope that Ed somehow, miraculously, does not get this cold. Simply put, it sucked.

When you're sick, all you want is a paci and blankie....every blankie you own.
Looking at Owen, and reading what you've all been going through, is very hard . . . I suppose not as hard as what you've actually been experiencing, but hard anyway. My heart is breaking right now.
In fact, I gotta go and get some tissue. I know you know, but I have to say, it's very difficult to be so far away when you want to be there.
Love you guys (and really hope Owen and Carrie feel better soon). Much, much love to you all, Mom / Grandma Bug
I hope you all feel better soon! There has been a bug going around here to. Lots of coughing, sneezing, hand washing, clorox wiping, bleeching, etc, etc, etc. I had 1 daycare baby out all last week, and another who will most likely be out all next week as well. It stinks.
For the coughing at night, I use vics vapor rub on the bottom of the feet, then put on some socks. It does really help.
Feel better soon! XOXO ~ Becky
Okay you guys I am very sorry to hear you are down right now, but I came in to find Carol trying to hug Owens picture on the laptop.
Apparently we need a sick person porthole so grandparents can be there in a moment.
Hope you are feeling better now. Eddy keep hitting the vitamins and good luck to you all.
Love, Dad / HG
Oh, being sick is not fun... especially for the little one. Hope everyone gets well soon. Love, Trina
Hey, when we all had the crud I tried Becky's sock treatment and it was great! Better than grandmas hot apple cider vinegar and honey drink! I just want pick Owen up and cuddle him. Okay Carrie I would cuddle you too. Glad you aren't sick Eddy! Hey hit Facebook and check out the new pics I put up of Claire! That should do some cheering up! Love and miss you all bunches.
Love Great Aunt Maryann
Little O,I'm going through the crud myself.Can I borrow a blankie!!Eddie,I finally went to the Dr. and got some antibiotics 3 weeks of this crud is enough.Carrie,a ther-a-flu cocktail at night helps.(for you not Owen)
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