We have a new front door! Ain't she perty and oh so red? We have always wanted a bright red door. Plus we like to think it makes our house look a little less pink. The old door was fairly ugly and incredibly beat up. I'm pretty sure if you kicked it hard enough, the whole door would fall down. And I'm pretty sure that happened to it in the past. But now we are safe and secure and loving the door.
Owen had a rough start to the week. A pink dollhouse fell on his head at daycare which resulted in a nice size bump.
On Tuesday Owen had a follow-up visit to the orthopedic doctor. We were hoping for a routine visit but unfortunately it was not. It looks like Owen's knee problems are not improving and he will need to wear knee braces. He had x-rays taken and has an appointment with another doctor for a second opinion (at the request of his doctor) and then a follow-up with his orthopedic doctor. We will know more at the end of this month. For now we are taking things one step at a time and Owen is getting creative with devices to help him walk such as using his baseball tee. He looks like a little old man with a cane. Do they make baby size canes?
And now we've ended the week with little O sick. Miles was sick this week so we were wondering if Owen would catch it and he did. Poor guy woke up 4:00 AM Saturday morning with a fever and cough. He's handling it like a champ though. His day has consisted of lounging around, watching Sesame Street and reading books. (FYI - today's letter was the letter 'M'.)
Looking back it seems like a rough week but it wasn't. We're in a pretty good groove and these little bumps in the road didn't disrupt that. For all he went through this week, Owen has remained chatty and giggly. But... let's hope next week is a little more boring.
We got home late last night after a great dinner with Claudia and lots of catching up. I checked this out when we got home and was surprised to see so many great pictures! AND so many great stories . . . . sorry to hear Owen's not feeling so great, though. Your new red door looks fantastic, it's just beautiful. You've planted a cactus in your pot, too! It looks really good, too. It was fun to see Owen in his chair, too. :0)
Much love to you all, and hope little O is feeling much better soon. Please give him a hug from Grandma.
The red door looks great!! And good job Carrie- getting a new door so quickly. I've been working on Shawn for a new door for 10 years now and still, no new door. Although he did try to appease me by taking the 1523 (our house numbers) written in cursive on our door, off. And love the plant in the great pot! Very salsaish looking. Trina
I just love the door! Now we need a shot of your whole house front. With as much of the yard as you can get in it. Or actually, I know, we need to get down there...but until then, pics will have to do. Thanks- Trina
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