Sometimes he was nice and calm, fascinated by what was happening.

But most of the time he was squiggly and unhappy. We were pretty impressed that the hair dresser was able to do such a good job with a moving target. When we were finished, they placed a lock of his hair in a card that read "baby's first haircut."
Here is Owen post-haircut. Looking less like a baby and more like a little boy. And a handsome little boy at that.
(Note: The action figure in Owen's hand is a police officer that came with a cop car he got for Christmas. His name is Jason. He's named after our favorite Washington cop.)
Wow,he looks more like you everyday, Eddie.Must be the haircut...Uncle Dave
I enjoyed seeing this very cute little milestone of Owen's... And you not only have some "first haircut" hair, you have photos to go with it!!
XOXOXO's Great grandma M
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