Sunday, July 6, 2008

A Face Only A Mother Could Love

This is one of those posts that Owen will look back on and say, "Seriously mom, that is so embarrassing."   But I have to document it before he stops doing it. Before you continue reading, I must warn you, it could be something only a mom finds cute. 

You see every single time he goes poop, he makes this face.  Yes.  I said  it.  This is Owen's poop face.  This face is always accompanied by a shoulder shrug.  He will be sitting contently on your lap and gradually his eyebrows get furrowed and he gets this little smile and his shoulders start shrugging.  For his first few weeks he would usually clasp his hands and shrug his shoulders like it took just that much effort to do the job.  The hand clasp is pretty much gone but the smile/ grimace, eyebrows and shoulder shrug are still there.  This post is in the interest of remembering the little things, but it doesn't hurt that I find it so cute. 


Anonymous said...

Carrie, I thought I was bad with some of the pictures I took.....Money shots. I bow to you.
You are right in that Owen may want to discuss this. As far as I'm concerned though, "Salute" or is it just "Bottoms Up"!

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! :-) Golly, if Owen were to keep this up, potty training would be a cinch! What more could you want?
You guys are great at catching his expressiveness!!
XXOOXX Great Grandma M

Anonymous said...

Cute . . . Very Cute! Loved it.