Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July everyone! Carrie and I don't have a lot planned, but it is very nice to have a three day weekend.  We're going to make some hamburgers and corn on the cob tonight and that's about as festive as we are getting.  We're hoping to be able to see some fireworks on our walk tonight.  On a side note, Owen has been chowing down even more than usual so we're thinking he's on another growth spurt.  At this rate, he's going to be taller than Carrie by Christmas.


Anonymous said...

Okay, so, maybe, you're trying to make us cry. Maybe?

Seeing you guys together like this . . . . . . . actually, for us grandparents no more words are needed.

Hard, isn't it, Grandma and Grandpa Wilhelme (now, is that Happy Grandma and Happy Grandpa??) and Grandma and Grandpa Cooper (now, is that, maybe, something else (?) although, please know, I love Grandma and Grandpa Cooper. (Happy Grandpa and I should tell you how we came by our names . . .) By the way, has CJ and Alexis had their baby?

Anyway, we love all of you, we miss you, and we hope to see all of you soon.

Anonymous said...

Great family photo, I think that little guy in the middle really balances out the picture.
We spent the holiday on the boat in Quartermaster Harbor. Uncle David came over with Dan and Jeannie. They had just come from a successful crab pot pull, (yum, Carol and I had a midnight feast)
Trina, Shawn, Sunnee, and Tejas came over on Saturday and we had a great time with them. Mostly we had 5 people trying to keep track of one really short one.
On Sunday, we got to teach Sunnee to Kayak. She is a natural, I can't wait teach Tejas and Owen.
Ed, I told the story of waking up at the Dockton dock from dreaming about misquitoes only to find all of those little speed boats racing around. Ah, morning coffee / cocoa watching those little guys buz around....twas a good day.
Have Carol tell you how to shoot a flare gun, and I'll tell you about the guy who sunk his 3 month old Dodge 2500 Hemi pickup with trailer.
We miss you guys and really enjoy this blog.