Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cute Little Piggies

Owen has recently discovered his feet. They have become his new favorite toy. He is constantly sucking on them. It is high up there on the "dang that is cute" meter.

Sometimes he gets greedy and tries to stick both feet in his mouth. This rarely works out but it doesn't stop him from trying. Another favorite is attempting to suck on his feet while drinking his milk. Oddly enough that doesn't work out either. Can't fault the kid for trying though.


Anonymous said...

Wow, this is interesting . . . you're never without your favorite companions! :0)

He's gonna laugh so hard when he sees all these pictures when he's older. This whole thing seems a little like a gigantic, amazing baby book, doesn't it? It kinda makes the old fashioned, 20 - 25 page, bound baby books look pretty darn sad in comparison. And lots of times even some of those few pages were left blank! Give Owen a big hug from Grandma, okay?

Amanda & Claire said...

just wait till he starts doing this from a sitting up position, when claire does it, it like " weebles wobel and they dont fall down, but they do"