Friday, January 1, 2010

Spontanious Theme Music

I swear we were just walking around the kitchen department at Home Depot and all of a sudden Owen starts making a sound. This wasn't an ordinary sound, mind you, this was theme music. As we all know, when someone around you starts emitting theme music, something crazy is about to go down. And if that theme music happens to be Eye of the Tiger, you better just pray to God you have a camera on you. We did!


Anonymous said...

absolutely awesome!!!!!!!!!!
love great aunt Maryann

Anonymous said...

"Aaaadrian" stop moving back!! G.U. Dave

Anonymous said...

Carrie & Eddy; you'll likely be surprised that I, (being a great grandma and all)... am familiar with "The Eye of The Tiger" tune to which we saw Owen doing his great walk. (it came with Sunee's ROCK BAND set she got for Christmas) WOW ... Good job Owen!!!

Love, XOXO's
Greatgrandma M