Friday, October 30, 2009

At Least It Wasn't A Peanut

Me: Hey buddy, whatcha doing?

Owen: Just coloring..on paper.. nothing else is going on.

Me: Hmmm... you look like your hiding something.

Owen: Mom! I'm hurt. What would I be hiding?

Me: Ah ha! You stuck a marker up your nose!

Owen: Dang it! How did you know?

Me: Just a hunch buddy.


Dad / HG said...

Ah Yes........Peanuts, raisins, foam rubber. I've seen them all. What is it about the nose?

Great pics,

What a beautiful little boy!

Anonymous said...

Yep, the evidence is as plain as the nose on his(cute)face... ha ha ha

Love, Greatgrandma M
ps... Thanks a whole bunch for the halloween card and picture!