We're going to get him in his costume and stroll him around the neighborhood. A neighbor of ours has a haunted house every year and invited us to swing by. That should be some fun. Whatever you all are doing tonight, I hope you have a good time.
Oh my god, look at the size of this apple!
Carving up the "apple."
Owen in full Speed Racer gear.
I think that look is an open invitation to all comers. The Mach 5 is a sweet machine and it's piloted by the best driver on the planet, so a little confidence is justified.
It loooks like the wheels on that racer show a fair amount of wear, so he has obviously been practicing. Now he can have that confident, "I double dare you" look on his face! =)
Love, Greatgrandma M
Okay, it's a pumpkin . . . it's huge . . . it's orange . . . and it's about to be cut up . . . oh my God . . . it's HALLOWEEN!!!
Okay, wait (!) . . . . . . be cool . . . . . . . . in fact, now that I think about it . . . . . . I AM Speed Racer . . . . . . . . . and, now that I think about it . . . that candy IS mine!
All I have to do is be cool --- but wait --- I AM cool --- you know, now that I think about it, there really is nothing to this "Halloween"!!
Well, dear grandson, wait until you're 4 years old.
Love you much, Grandma Bug & PAPA :0)
Boy, doesn't Owen look like he's got some wild plan for he and his car. Just look at the smirk on his face in that last shot. Watch out sidewalk walkers, here comes Owen!! Love, Trina
Racer X??He's nothin.I own him!!! Love Uncle Dave
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