Problem: I'm having a tough time walking, but I still want to get around.
Solution: Grab the keys and drive to where I want to go.
It may not be the perfect solution, but it makes a certain amount of baby sense. He's also making vroom-vroom noises the whole time he's behind the wheel. I kind of get a kick out of that because he's making a connection between his toy cars and the real ones. T-Minus 3.5 years till karting practice begins.
Hey guys, I'm going to the store. You need anything while I'm there?
Okay, Dad always does this. Oh, I get it, now I can see behind me.
All clear.
And away we go. What the heck? I'm not going anywhere.
Oh, here's my problem (I hope this doesn't make it onto the blog).
Well, the nut doesn't fall too far from the tree. You were always playing with cars........The V W with the cat inside comes to mind. The big wheel kinda sidetracked you in terms of automobile stuff, but boy did you have fun with that. (sand on the garage floor with skid marks and you laying on your back half under a 750 yamaha triple with a smudge of oil on your forehead stating simply "you can't stop on sand") Enjoy these days.......and keep track of your car keys.
Love, Dad
He's having fun!!! His smiles say so, and so does his shirt!!
Love, GreatgrandmaM
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