He's becoming more helpful around the house. He's practicing on the monkey because we told him it's going to be his job to brush the cat's teeth when he's older.
Speaking of the monkey, it's been a while since we did a comparison test. For those of you who thought the monkey was going to be taller than Owen at 18 months, I'll give you double or nothing odds for 2 years.
He's showing off his one-handed cruising skills. (Initiated by himself, I might add.)
And the number one way you can tell you have an Arizona baby... He's freaked out by sleeves.
Holy cow, it looks like he's going to out grow his crib pretty soon!! I can't believe how fast he is growing . . . I bet, neither can you. :0) The monkey looks like a peanut compared to Owen!
Happy 18-month birthday, dear grandson. Hope it was a good one! p.s. love the orange p.j.'s
Loved ALL the photos, which were a great reminder of how big he has gotten..... The last one and it's caption is soooo funny! His pleading, hopeless look for help is so intense! I hope you hurried up and "fixed" that problem!
Love, Greatgrandma M
Ed & Carrie....you guys totally made me laugh with the last picture. I thought Owen had on gloves or something, until I read the caption and opened the picture to view it closer! At first it looked like he was giving you a double birdie! lol....
Oh Bec- the double birdie thing is great. Didn't even get that when I first saw the pic but now that you've brought it up, you're right!! Thanks for the laugh.
Love, Katrina
Oh how cute,your son is fliping you both off!!!!hahaha Beck,and Beanner,that was the 1st thing I thought!!!Love Uncle Dave
Well Dave, I didn't first think that beacuse I know what an angel Owen is. In fact, I think they were pinching him before they took those screaming photos of Owen.:)
Kidding , kidding-Love, Trina
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