There is a cul-de-sac behind our house where some of our neighbors had set up a bonfire in the middle of and had a party around. They were lighting off fireworks. I do believe I like our neighborhood.
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A hippie, Speed Racer and the unemployed graduate. Ed's costume was actually the surprise success of the night. Some teenagers asked if they could take a picture of him.
Sitting on the front porch, handing out candy, Owen was bombarded with kisses.
After his 5th lollipop, Owen started to get that wild look to his eyes that signaled the beginning of a sugar rush.
1 comment:
Great costumes all. Sounds like a very happy and successful Holloween.
Owen is getting just about the perfect Oz Munchkin size. I'm sure all of the costumes would fit him right now............not too sure he'd want them on, but he is close to them fitting.
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