We take thousands of photos yet you would be surprised on how few of them include us. Since our last attempt at a photo of both of us failed, we had Georgia take our picture while she was in town.
Notice the purple bush in the background. We have four of those in our front yard. We didn't know the bush even grew flowers until one day we woke up and they were all in bloom. A very nice surprise to wake up to and the flowers smell great too.
My, don't you two look like proud home owners!!
You two are a very beautiful couple. Ed I should point out though...that you might want to button up your shirt next time! Hee hee.... :-)
Great picture, you guys! I was just talking with Gary and Mom last night (on a conference call about Facebook that Mom did) and Gary mentioned that there aren't very many pictures of you guys on your blog.
I can picture exactly where you are in the front of your house. I wonder if the plants will still be in bloom when I'm down in December?
What a nice picture :-)
You're both so money. This is a Vince Vaughn reference since Ed looks like him in this photo. You guys look great! I'm framing this one. You look so happy. Love you guys.
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