It's that time of year again; time for the Build the Fun Lego Event. I'm not sure if I wrote about this last year, I don't think so, but if I did I'm sorry for the repeat post. You see, every year the City of Scottsdale holds an event called the Build the Fun Lego Event and I'm the event coordinator. The purpose of the event is to teach kids about city planning using Legos.
How it works: As the kids arrive, they are assigned a building you would typically see in a city. They then go and build it using the Legos.

After an hour or so of constructing their assigned buildings, the kids gather around to build the city.

Ed, my wonderful helper, carefully takes each building from the kid and puts it in the appropriate place in the city. (museums = downtown; airport = outside the city)

At the end you have a Lego city. I love seeing how creative kids can be. Notice the skyscraper, hospital and restaurant with patio seating.

Afterward some parents and their kids stuck around to help us break everything down. Owen was smitten with this little girl. He scooted across the room to sit right next to her and then just stared at her. She found him a little odd but let him sit next to her anyway.

Building Legos with 85 kids wears a person out but it's definitely worth it. (Shortly after this photo was taken, we went home and took a 3 hour family nap.) It's something the kids look forward to every year and so do I.
I need to give a shout-out to Susan, the best Lego MC ever; Jeff with his crazy train building skills; my pirate Anabel and Ms. "I'm going to kill that kid" Mary. Thank you, thank you. Until next year!