I think it's the physical therapy that's helping Owen out because he's taken up every exercise we've been working on with aplomb. In fact, he likes planting his feet so much, he has decided to stand up while doing so. If you'll notice, I'm stabilizing his hips but from below his waist, and I'm not bearing any of his weight. This is all him. If he puts together he can stabilize himself by holding onto stuff, I don't think he's going to need Carrie and me around anymore.

I can see him with his stick and bindle wobbling down the street now. That's impressive, though. He's not even one yet and with a little effort he could already pass for a pretty drunk hobo. That's my boy.

He's just so happy when he does these new things. It's exceptionally fun to watch this guy develop.
Okay, we give up, we can't tell who is more excited or happy in either photo. You guys are doing an awesome job. Keep up the good work. Love Dad and Carol
No weggies Eddy!
WOW!! What a delightful set of photos to pop up this morning!! WOW!! What an accomplishment! I absolutely LOVE these photos!!! (there's no need to say more)
Love, Greatgrandma M
Well done, Boys! I think Owen just edges Eddy in excitement, but it's close. Can't wait to see you this weekend.
Yes, I say the same thing! Both of your smiles are the ear-to-ear variety, and I can't wait until I get to see them both. And look at how PROUD Owen is . . . or is that Eddy?
See you guys tomorrow. :0)
Good job!! It will be a very exciting weekend, having an upright Owen with us. We're so excited to see you. And Carrie- we'll miss you much. You're Tejas's favorite Auntie to talk about. See you guys soon.
Love, Trina, Sunee and Tejas
PS- I love the pictures of Owen standing up- Sunee
Well, it looks as though we will miss seeing you guys! But, oh my....what AMAZING photos. Its wonderful to see the great strides little Owen is taking....and his smile is so contagious!
What a blessing! Love and hugs, Becky and the family!
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