Hmm, should I - Shouldn't I - Should I - Shouldn't I? It's new and funny looking, yet oddly appealing.
All right, I'm in. Proceeding carefully, ready for the unexpected.
Pretty good, kind of grapey. Really cold, but I'm hardcore. I think I like this.
Wait, somethings awry. It was a trap!
Ahh, my brain, the one place I didn't expect an ambush.
You got me guys; that was pretty good. Hey, you know what I could go for? Some grape popsicle.
Ooohhh- Owen, I feel for you. How cute!! You quite the trooper. And a very cute one too.
Love, Auntie Trina
Those expressions are priceless... (for everything else, there's Mastercard)
Love, Greatgrandma M
okay, now that he likes cold things, and he also has sticking your tongue out mastered, make sure he stays away from frozen flag poles! We all know what happened on the christmas story!
Coolest. Baby. Ever.
I have to agree with pthorsen4444..... COOLEST BABY EVER!!!!. Of course it helps when you have the COOLEST PARENTS EVER!!!!
Love ya,
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