This one goes out to William Owen Miller, my maternal grandfather and Owen's namesake. It would appear that Owen inherited more than simply his name, as my grandpa was a popcorn aficionado if ever there was one. I once said that I was going to miss my grandpa later in life more than when we initially lost him. There have been a few moments since I spoke those words when that prediction has rang particularly true, and sitting down eating popcorn with Owen ranks among them. People come and go from our lives for many reasons and I believe that the way to keep those who are most missed near is to share the things you enjoyed with them with others.

That looks good.

Let me just help myself.

No, buddy, I have to bite off the scratchy parts and give you the puffy parts that dissolve on your tongue.

Hey, it does dissolve on my tongue.
Grandpa Miller would have LOVED these five photos! Your 'picture story' brought tears to my eyes, and the photos brought a smile to my face and made me LOL! Sure enough, here we are seeing the 4th generation of popcorn lovers!!
Love & XOXOX's
Greatgrandma M
I was so surprised to see this! I had already looked at your new pictures this morning, and then Tejas wanted to see Owen again. Two great fellas sitting together enjoying a bowl of hot popcorn. My heart melted. I loved seeing these pictures, and Dad would have, too. I hope this doesn't sound too corny, but I think he's smiling down on you two right now.
Enjoy! Love, Mom and Grandma
Eddy, Bill probably wouldn't have thought anything of Owen's popcorn attraction. Now, if you were to suggest that Owen didn't like popcorn, your Grandfather would have considered that very odd indeed and maybe even wondered what you had done to him. I mean, why would anyone not like popcorn. It would be like coffee in that regard to Bill. After all, there is good coffee and there is better coffee.
You can count on the fact that your Grandpa would have been smiling and you would have heard one of his famous "How bout thats"
Once again, thank you for sharing,
Love, Dad
Popcorn!! Amazing, no matter how far apart we live, we all have our popcorn moments. Claire loves her popcorn, but only wants to eat out of moms bowl. She will take pieces from anyone, but must get her hands on her moms bowl. Wait until, he wants to share his ABC popcorn, actually it would probably be ABG, Already Been Gooed!
Nothing tastes better than a baby mushed piece of popcorn!
Love and miss you all,
Aunt Maryann
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